Ethnographic Arms & Armour
Bibliography for South
This section remains
far from completion. The first phase will fill in with references
for non-European arms and armour and the second phase will be
a re-working of the existing Mediaeval Sword bibliography pages. |
Domenech, Abel A., Dagas de
Plata: Cuchillos Criollos Rioplatenses, Historia y Coleccionismo
(Buenos Aires, 2005)
(Spanish language) A lavishly produced book with numerous color
photographs and drawings covering the traditional silver mounted
knife associated with the gauchos from its origins through
to modern artistic incarnations. This work includes a background
chapter on the gauchos, discussions of the types of knives and
their evolution, makers and details of the making of these knives
and a section on blade markings.
Author's website: