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Old 28th March 2010, 07:19 PM   #6
Martin Lubojacky
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Czech Republic
Posts: 841

Welcome Iain
Hello Tim and Jim,
Thanks for confidence, but, frankly speaking, I did not reed as much subject publications as other forum members....I can just confirm it is not touristic piece (and not so odd). I donīt think it is comming from Mandara mountains, those handles differs a little bit. It could be either from Mali, Faso or Northern Nigeria (still some tradition in casting)... in any case my (but really - could be wrong) opinion is it is Hausa sword. I saw very similar handle in Nigeria, but made of aluminium (or maybe tin ? - in any case it was "relatively old" and faired by using). I feel ashamed, but I cannot say more.
Best regards,
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