Originally Posted by PenangsangII
Pak Ganja, how long is the blade? and does the blade fit in nicely into the blade?
From my limited experience, this confusing mixture of keris or sundangs pamor, ricikan, wrangka and hilt can be attributed to Kalimantan/Borneo whereby there were a lot of cultural mixture among the locals, Jawanese, Buginese and Sumatrans....
It is 52 cm long (not including the square tang, or pesi), and the tang is 7 cm. I don't even bother the type of warangka and the hilt, because it could be changed at anytime. But anyway, thank you for the valuable information you gave...
Originally Posted by rasdan
Pak Ganja,
I am sorry, but I think this is a new sundang. The iron looks like it had been artificially aged. I had never seen a genuinely old sundang with this kind of iron. But this is just my blind guess. I hope i am wrong..
Just to add a bit, a few years back, i was shown by a relative their familiy's pusaka sundang. Everything looks Malay, but the greneng looks more towards Moro side. I guess, Malay sundang also uses Moro greneng.. 
Thank you Rasdan, for your comment. But still it is not convincing for me to regard this as newly made sundang and it was artificially aged. Because one of my 'first lesson in keris' couple years back, is "learning how to age a new keris, to look older" in order not to be cheated by my 'bakoel' (dealer) friends. Once you learn this lesson, you won't be easily cheated by nasty dealers...
From cleaning blades experience -- with coconut's husk, and then "mutih" (whiten) the blade with lime-juice and cream-soap or whatever -- you may learn too to differ which blade is newly made and which is old...
Anyway, thanks a lot for the comments...