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Old 28th July 2008, 07:58 PM   #8
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 9
Default More Pictures!

I snapped some more pics of these 3 items today and hopefully they came out well and show more detail. I am relying on you: THE EXPERTS for any info you can provide. Sorry if the pics arent the best.

Both the Kereis and Gunong appear to be silver mounted. They are tarnished pretty heavily and aside from wiping with a damp cloth I dont want to go further and commit any dis-service to the items.
I do not know the proper nomenclature so bear with, I am more of a Bowie blade person so that is the venacular I shall use. Here goes.

On the Gunong it appears that on the blade side of the hilt it is copper while the handle side is silver. It also appears that one thin silver ring is missing from the scabbard.

Last edited by hockeysew; 28th July 2008 at 08:10 PM.
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