Thread: Another tulwar
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Old 19th November 2007, 08:09 PM   #19
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Hi Jens
Thanks for your considerations.
I have visited Rainer Daehnhardt shops in Lisbon, and i had in mind to ask him to coment on some parts of his book that have been considered discusseable.
Concerning the tulwars being stored in separate places, he stil assumes what he has written in the book. But i have learnt that he was referring to a specific case, and not to generality. In one of his (three?) visits to India, around 1970, he met a certain Maharaja in the north whom, at time of visiting his arsenal, asked him whether he wanted to see the blades first, or the hilts. For the case, they were kept in two towers, located about one kilometer away from each other.
The reason explained for such attitude was the one we already know.
He said ( i didn't ask him ) that the Maharaja's name was complex and dificult to memorize ... "Bija" something or the like.
Naturaly this is a facultative situation, nobody has to beleive in it.
Concerning yours and Jim observations on this tulwar type, it certainly is for infantry, due to the blade length. With its slight curve and false edge, it functions well as a thrusting weapon.
Best regards
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