Thread: A dha a day.
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Old 27th July 2006, 12:07 PM   #5
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 372
Default Now I'm confused

Hi Puff and RhysMichael
I am getting a confused. Puff you say the tip may be Hua Bau or Hua LukKai, and Rhys you say Hua Bau or Hua Pla Lod. The pics on the link you give Rhys look like Hua Bau or Hua Pla Lod would be correct , the Dha research site calls similar tips spatulate or spear tip (also translated as Hua Bau). To me spatulate looks too rounded and spear tip possibly too pointed. So could someone clear up Hua Bau, Hua LukKai and Hau Pla Lod for me (just a little)
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