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Old 27th January 2025, 03:04 PM   #15
Marc M.
Join Date: Aug 2019
Location: Belgium
Posts: 245

Originally Posted by Iain View Post
That's a good question Marc and I am by no means that experienced with coins on dha, having had only a few pass through my hands. I think they all need to be looked at in context, for example a coin as a pommel cap has perhaps a higher likelihood to be a replacement for a lost pommel than an example like yours where the coin is used as a guard and is integral to the whole sword.

That's why I mentioned that I think you can be pretty safe in saying your sword is from the 1880s and could well be from the exact year of the coin.

In general I think that coins on dha can often have a amulet/talisman meaning. In Thai amulets you see a lot of medallions, special coins etc. Again, its a very specialist area that I can't claim any deep knowledge around, but in the case of your sword it should make for a very interesting research project! The silver wire/fittings on yours is also a good indication it was an important sword for the owner, I think you have a pretty special piece.
Well, I'm not really a researcher, but a collector with too broad an interest. Try to gain as much info as possible before a purchase, in my books and the truthful internet. Over the years you develop a kind of feeling, insight in your search for objects. I do have a collector friend with some dha, but like me a broad interest. On my next visit I will take the dha's to him.

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