Originally Posted by M ELEY
This odd 'rake axe' also caught my eye when this auction started (they had a big 'lot' of some great original spike tomahawk axes and pole axes. This one is just so weird, I don't even know about the design and I can't even venture a guess. As far as the original one I posted, if it is a heavy axe with thick proportions (which we don't know the specs!), I guess it could be an ice axe for splitting and dragging ice blocks. However, for such laborous work, I'd expect a thicker, heavier haft. This one has a smaller handle. Maybe it was for separating flax!   Yep, I'm kidding!
Haha the flax thing crossed my mind for a second as well. My only guess is chipping ice. It would not drag well. Sorry I thought that this was the one you were writing about originally as it came up in the link.
Once I saw the one you were speaking of I could see the similarities to a boarding ax.