[QUOTE=Jim McDougall;294834]... It is noted that these were IDENTICAL to those issued to the Coast Guard
(no date of these noted but probably early in the century).
What is unusual with this saber is the LANGETS. The Coast Guard cutlasses had the extra bar on the guard and NO langets. It seems langets were absent of either cutlasses, and the later mountain artillery swords..../QUOTE]
See also
Coast Guard Sword
The amalgamation of the various sections into the Coast Guard in 1822/23 saw the Coastal Riding service adopting their own sword shortly thereafter, as mentioned in
"British Naval Swords & Swordsmanship" by Mc Grath and Barton, ©️2013, page 25. After 1856 these were repurposed for the mountain troops and the Hospital corps, the CG adopting the then current model Naval cutlasses. The CG became a civilian volunteer service and unarmed in 1923.
Mine: (I've cleaned off the rust on thscabbard & re-lacquered it since this photo - and It has a suitable belt frog.)