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Old 7th November 2024, 02:18 PM   #12
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 484

very interesting and very preoccupying this information about the possibility that an older blade may be reforged adding a raindrop Damascus pattern which is what the western called something that looks like the udan mas pamor .

This would explain why I have noticed, at the very least in the NL, that there is a relative disproportionate number of udan mas krises appearing on the market lately.

I have to say that, if this is indeed the case, this shows , once again that even the remotest possibility to make an extra buck has become, in the kris market scene, the chance for unscrupulous vendors to do all manner of weird things.

So, there are a lot of so called river finds videos showing more or less disintegrated krises being fished out of the waters in Indonesia, these are quite obviously been immersed in acid and then marketed as antiques.

On another thread someone showed a Sundang Kris with an pamored insert of some sort , I asked then if this was a thin layer of material applied to the blade and lo and behold on Aliexpress you can buy pieces of more or less thin metal with Damascus patterns which may very well serve the purpose of being used to make an otherwise less interesting blade into a much nicer example, then makes the insert look older and a new product is born.

Forgeries are of all times and technology only makes them easier and more believable.
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