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Old 24th January 2023, 10:32 AM   #17
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Sid, I always try to be very conservative with age estimates.

I gave my age estimate as pre-1850, not circa 1850.

I based that age estimate on the overall style & appearance of the blade, not upon any blade classification. I was trying to be realistic.

If you want a tangguh belief system estimate of age, well then, Tuban-Mataram means anytime from the beginning of the second kingdom of Mataram through to the 19th century, however, I believe most True Believers in Tangguh infallibility would probably place this blade into pre-1800 at least.

Sid, the Tangguh System is not at all easy to understand, it can assist with age estimates when very high quality blades in very good condition are involved, the nearer we come to the present time, the more those estimates might be accurate, but most of the time with more humble blades, tangguh is a classification based upon style, and that style relates more to geographic point of origin than era.

The True Believers will tell you I'm talking through the top of my head. My own teacher would tell you I'm talking through the top of my head.

Maybe I am.

You make up your own mind.

It all comes down to whether we want an age estimate based upon reality & experience, or if we want an age estimate based upon belief.

Incidentally, Pajajaran is another good possibility, but I'm looking at a screen image, I do not have it in my hand, and I would need it in my hand before I'd place a bet on the Pajajaran horse.
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