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Old 5th August 2022, 02:10 PM   #3
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 409


Thanks for your summary and astute analysis of the Cross of Agadez. However I'd like to offer another perspective.

From Briggs' Plate XX, B. are marks from the sword of Adembar said to be copied from A, that of the sword of Raidera. That statement can be challenged.

All of A's marks appear to be like those STAMPED into other blades. The top two (lion & cross) in B would be STAMPED as well, but the bottom left (our Mark) is likely ENGRAVED as may be the one on the right.

B is the only takouba I know of with the Mark. All others shown on the attached threads are Engraved on kaskara, likely trade blades and are virtual duplicates of Adembar's design, and not derivates of any stamp on Raidera's sword.

It would be great to do a hands-on inspection of both swords or at least in figures in Gabus' book to confirm my Stamp vs. Engraved assertion.

Also, the symbol on your Bega kaskara is looks like the "fly" mark and is Stamped. I do like its cross-guard that may have spot welded langets; an interesting variation.

Best regards,
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