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Old 24th July 2022, 07:43 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by ariel View Post

“ Arabic script in first picture is pretty clear

Second line is Islamic way of writing date
Big line on right is place for 2 digits for date
Second small line is space for writing month
Months are usually written as letters rather than digits
Then it is likely 1309 because 0 is not omitted rather in Arabic 0 is just a dot .

1309 “

I. e. 1891 in Gregorian.

I think that provides an answer to Francantolin and closes all speculations about “1970”, “1950” , tourist production, American soldiers etc.

I have to disagree as the above explantion on numbers and date is actually speculation and thus unacceptable...

Please allow me to explain:

I have lived in several Arab countries for years, and never was in a year a number omitted, also not in calligraphy writting. Nor on metal objects from coins, jewelry , etc.

nevertheless one does not need to take my word for it, as I am no scolar of the language and gramma...

so I consulted an Arabist who confirmed that both in modern as in classic Arabic all 4 numbers should be present.
Specially as there is sufficient room available...

So we are back to square one I am afraid or actually we need to continu the search back to mahratt's last statement as the date explanation is null and void ...
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Last edited by gp; 25th July 2022 at 12:29 AM.
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