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Old 25th August 2021, 03:01 PM   #13
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Jim, i am infinitely far from an authority in judging what your example would be, based on a Indian 1908 pattern grip and a 1911 Enfield blade but, my question is; could it be that the ‘hyper generous’ protective bowl it equips was of no established pattern but a whim of the owner or the unique style of some kind of association he was a member of … this given the colouring.
And if you allow me the irrelevance ...
Fencing techniques depending on their sense and purpose through time may have gone through an overlapping phenomenon. While fencing as a discipline for the training of combat have lasted for centuries (read millennia), another fencing attitude developing in the XVIII century made it become a 'sport'; was it Domenico Angelo, who established a fencing academy in Soho, London, for one ? So intentionaly selective that nowadays the interpreters of fencing, like those in an olyimpic sense, are called ‘players’, not ‘fighters’; they actually ‘play’ the fleuret (foil) in their escrime sessions. Naming the foil in French is also implicit, as the language used in this sport in many countries is obligatorily French; the referee uses therms like 'arrêt', 'pret' and 'allez'.

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Last edited by fernando; 25th August 2021 at 03:23 PM.
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