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Old 19th May 2021, 09:45 AM   #11
Anthony G.
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 470

Originally Posted by Green View Post
i still have not receive my won items from Dec 8 2020 Czerny's auction!

Is there anyone living near Czerny's office that can help me? if so, please pm me.

I sent many e mails to the shipper that czerny's cantract out to ship items but I did not get any satisfactory answer from them apart from they telling that they are applying to get new documents. In fact the last two recent e mails were not even answered.

I also sent an e mail to natalia at czerny's and she responded by saying I need to contact the shipper.

The items were resent back by fedex to the shipper late feb but until now they can't sort out the issue yet?
Sorry to hear about your predicament with the shipper and auction house. With your hindsight, I guess that this auction house is not for me. I also have similar issue until I shipped to a local friend within Europe and he helped me by shipping it to me from his home. A stroke of luck.
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