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Old 24th December 2019, 01:01 PM   #7
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Please let’s get back to discussing this sword!

Sorry, Ariel, no informed contribution from me either since this is not my area of expertise if any. It certainly looks like a good ol’ warrior who could tell a bunch of stories!

Any signs of the lost wax casting remaining with this hilt? The guard does look typical. BTW, any idea which mythical creature is associated with this type by Afghan ethnic groups or possibly cultures elsewhere?

Considering that the open cup most likely is the original design, it is amazing how rare genuine examples appear to be extant while their descendants are pretty common on Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula.

The blade seems to exhibit the pretty crude craftsmanship often seen with Afghani blade decor. Any signs on the hardness of the steel when you cleaned the blade?

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