Originally Posted by Battara
Soon I will post pictures. In the meantime, I got a sword here in Louisville Show that looks to me to be an Katipunan officer's presentation sword. The hilt is carved horn with a D-guard and and long Spanish type blade with this inscription inlayed in brass and engraved:
"Alay ng Ramagasnakan ng Rgg. Gral "lukban" sa mga Damunuan ng kaniang hokbo. Dilo sa lukban ika 15 ng Agosto ng 1898."
I can only translate half of it (because I am only half Tagalog  ) and have figured out that it is an offering of Ramaganakan from Lukban (Rgg-?) and his army presented on August 15, 1898.
Please help me.....
Maraming Salamat!
Check the blade for correct wordings Jose!
"Alay ng
Ramagasnakan ng Rgg. Gral "lukban" sa mga
Damunuan ng kaniang hokbo.
Dilo sa lukban ika 15 ng Agosto ng 1898."
Kamaganakan (stylized K)-Blood relative
*Alay ng Kamaganakan ng (Some Brig? Gral of Lukban?) sa mga Pamunuan ng kaniang hokbo. Dito Sa Lukban, Ika 15 ng Agosto 1898.
Who ever engraved this thing, his/her tagalog is all missed up! are you sure it wasn't you?
If i am not mistaken, this is a gift to the Gral of Lukban from his relatives, in honor/reg. to his commanding army/troops base in Lukban, Quezon? Dated August 15 1898.
speak, visayan, ibanag, ilocano,pangalatok, tagalog and chinese. lol. hope this helps.