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Old 20th July 2018, 12:35 AM   #7
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 409


Thanks for your compliments. I did considerable on-line research on any symbolism exhibited. No real luck for the covers. Of course Islamic/Sudanese cultures use a lot astrological images as symbols including images on sword blades. Its fantastic to be out at night in remote Sudan and look up at the sky. No light pollution or humidity and the heavens are alive with stars and shooting stars. That vision is bound to make an impression on the individual, society and culture. But still I found nothing that articulated that. I was hoping that members would be able to add from their research and knowledge.

Double pommels are interesting and I think mostly from Ethiopia. But I didn't include them. By the "pommels" section I was getting drained. I and others would appreciate it if you would add discussion and images them to this thread.

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