Thread: bugis keris
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Old 15th March 2018, 01:45 AM   #20
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Hi La Pagaru,

I would have posted this question earlier, but at present I am away from home and moving around, so net access + time has been a bit restricted.

I refer to this statement of yours:-

"--- a little explanation about the variant of the existing bugis keris, which we must know, the bugis forging system is slightly different from the Javanese kris, and the difficulty level is much harder than the Javanese kris according to the recognition of some masters in Java and Madura---"

can you please explain for us precisely what it is that makes the Bugis forge process much more difficult than the forge process in Jawa and Madura.

I am very familiar with Javanese forge processes, both archaic and modern, and I am capable of understanding technical explanations of forge work, and of the carving work that follows the production of the forging.

Thank you for your consideration.
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