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Old 12th November 2017, 04:10 PM   #4
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Iain, I'm glad to see you on this, your perspective on these Saharan swords is always spot on. I see what you mean on the scabbard, and while 'similar' , certainly does not correspond 'by the numbers' to the Tuareg work.
Also, regarding the croc belly hide as embellishment on grip, very much again, similar to Sudanese (Darfur) hilts, mostly early 1900s, but as you say, certainly not a feature confined to Sudan.

I have not seen enough Saharan examples or other to think of other use of crocodile skin on hilts in other areas, and would really like to know more on this. It would surely seem the totemism recognized in Sudanese areas toward the crocodile surely was present in other regions and tribes.

I recall in Briggs, there was mention of something written by Turnbull on 'crocodile cults', and I wonder if you ever found anything to explain just who or where these were. I thought perhaps the extensive use of crocodile hides on weapon mounts might have some connection.
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