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Old 23rd October 2016, 09:55 PM   #9
Bob A
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 435

The Spanish Riding School maintains a tradition of very high-level schooling of the horse. While the emphasis is on dressage and grace, it is important to understand that many of the maneuvers taught are intended to be useful in combat.

I suspect they focus on stallions for size, but in my limited experience mares are more suited for combat, or at least stealth operations, as they are less prone to distraction my the scent of estrus. Also, I've always been more readily able to bond with a female; in my experience, human females are more inclined toward working with and developing a bond with stallions. Of course, this is far from chiseled in stone.

Link to Spanish Riding School:

At any rate, thanks for the thread, as the horse has played a major part in human combat and weapons systems for several thousand years, and may yet have a role to play in the foreseeable future.
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