Thread: need help
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Old 2nd March 2016, 10:52 PM   #3
Keris forum moderator
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The sheath is most definitely a Balinese sheath.
The sheath seems older than the blade to me. The blade looks contemporary, done in a Balinese style, but i am not certain if it was made there or possibly by a Javanese smith in the Bali form. This is not a pamor pattern that you see very often on a true Balinese keris. I suspect that Alan is asking about the fit to see if this sheath was indeed made for this blade or in fact adapted. I suspect the latter, but your photos will tell.
No matter the actual origin of the blade it is a Bali style and i would fit this with a Balinese style hilt. I would think a basic bondalan style would be appropriate here.
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