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Old 21st December 2015, 03:23 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Pusaka
David, from my point of view it is the Muslims who embraced pre Islamic internal practices in Indonesia that were Taoist and Vedic in origin. Muhammad was no yogi, you cant find these things in the quran, they are absent in arab nations which says something. The spiritual practices in Kebatinan such as meditation, concentration on energy centres (chakras), breathing exercises (pranayama) all of that is not Islamic in origin.
The goal of Kebatinan is to develop rasa, the intuitive knowing of the heart, that word Rasa is Sanskrit in origin.
Pusaka, are you at all familiar with Sufism? Meditation and breathe control are indeed a part of the practice. It is the mystical aspects of Islam (Sufism) that is embraced in Kebabtinan, not what is practiced in mundane forms of that religion.
I do think that this side debate we are having has absolutely nothing to do with the aspects of the keris that either you or i wish to be discussing however. Why don't we turn our attention back there. Perhaps you could put forth exactly what it is you are hoping to discover through this line of inquiry around Candi Sukuh in regards to the keris.

Last edited by David; 21st December 2015 at 03:41 PM.
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