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Old 30th October 2015, 07:31 PM   #5
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Well noted, and true the casting and execution is pretty crude. Obviously the 'lances' are far from convincing, and most military representations of these in uniforms etc. have at least a furl or something beyond a crude triangle.
The neo classic figure on the pommel keeps reminding me of 'Mercury' with the wings on the hat (though these are flattened).
I cannot imagine what the N and IV would be for.

What seems distinct is the scabbard and blade, of 1796 style but perhaps German, as these type numeric and letter seem of the often complex regimental and unit designations used by them. With this numbering present it brings to mind perhaps some sort of 'after market' production of this strange hilt using the blade and scabbard of a military sword.

That seems like a lot of difficulty for such an endeavor, which is even more questionable with even the spacer present, but returning to the idea of fraternal or other organizations possible if numbers of these required.
The more I look at this of course, the more I feel I have seen something like it before
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