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Old 1st December 2005, 04:43 PM   #14
Vikingsword Staff
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Ariel , I get the impression that sword terminology in the Philippines is at least every bit as confusing as keris terminology is in Indonesia .
What is called by one name in a certain area is called by another a few kilometers away .
I think that point was made earlier in the thread by more than one person.

Kind of like the Italian sandwich in America .
In one place it's a 'Sub' in another a 'Grinder' , some other places it's called a 'Wedge' , a 'Hoagie' ad infinitum .

I'd also like to address another subject that has come up in this thread ; the issue of sniping .
Whether this is ethical or not the point is moot ; eBay allows it .

I am much of the same mind as Mabagani in that I rarely use eBay any more .
The prices are inflated most of the time and so many seek the same thing .

Before hard feelings get involved though I think we all need to realize one thing ; not everyone here knows every Forum member's eBay username .
My forum name is not my eBay handle ; how many of you have the same user ID as your forum name ?

Last edited by Rick; 1st December 2005 at 05:12 PM. Reason: More thoughts ........
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