10th July 2014, 07:58 AM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Bavaria, Germany - the center of 15th and 16th century gunmaking
Posts: 4,310
Originally Posted by Marcus den toom
Thank you Michl, words like these inspire me to dig even further into the quit complicated matter of early firearms.
And no worries, i was already doubtfull of the authenticity of the colourfull haquebuts. When comparing the red minium of your fine stangenbüsche (i hope i spelled it correctly  ) with that of the Wiener Waffenkammer i became sceptic and a bit sad about the haquebuts. Still they are haquebuts and the form (contours) are still pretty much original 
Well done, Marcus,
Your German is a zillion times better than my Nederlands (I even had to look that word up ...)
May I suggest replacing 'stangenbüsche' by Stangenbüchse?
Who cares for German anyway?