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Old 13th June 2014, 08:55 AM   #5
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: musorian territory
Posts: 436

Originally Posted by KuKulzA28
I've been searching all over for more info on these clubs. Thank you so much!
yes information is not common at all.

i dont know their origin for sure.
but they have existed in their present form for 200 years or more.
there might have been some limitation on carrying edged weapons in some situations or something similar to that.. but thats just speculation, when they are used they are used in a more knfie like fashion that a club. lots of stabs and cuts, jabs to the face and chest. . cuts to the legs , shin, arms. .. ect

yes i think tourists when they see these they think theyer some household item , because theyer typically sold with slingshots, back massagers, rolling pns ect. other stuff made form hardwood.
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