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Old 7th May 2014, 09:18 PM   #7
Jim McDougall
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Actually I have heard the name Baroda many times over the years, mostly with reference to British Raj oriented references from administrative perspective, and honestly never new exactly where it was. I must admit I appreciated the material added Ibrahiim, and also admit that Wikipedia has become sort of a first hit source for me as well. Once I have read whatever material is there I can use it as a benchmark to pursue further as required.

I am constantly amazed that so many people simply don't look things really this data just saved a step for me, and provided data those others would typically not seek.

This tulwar truly is amazing so I also hope we will focus on that. The blade is not only unusual in being a pala blade, and the polish achieved by Philip as always well illustrates why he is a legend with his masterful work .

The hilt also appears to be a superb example of 'bidri' work, with the dramatic dark background and silver.
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