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Old 28th August 2012, 04:00 AM   #11
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

About middle east pronunciations I know zilch, but Indonesian is my second language and in my normal day to day family and friends conversation I speak a mix of Indonesian/Javanese/English.

Now, here's the thing:- jambiyas exist in Indonesia too, and in Jawa they call them "jambio", sometimes pronounced not as "jam-bi-o" but as "jambyo", the last three letters as in "Yo dude!"

I do feel that variations in pronunciation of the vowels in these two words in the middle east would depend to a very great degree upon regional pronunciation.

A. alnakkas:- if the "r" is pronounced, is it rolled? That is "rrrr" ? Something like a Scotsman rolls his "r's".
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