Thread: Faca De Ponta.
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Old 5th April 2011, 11:38 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by freebooter
Awesome Gene!!

Thanks for bringing to light aspects of knives I have seen but never fully understood!! Great reference research that I can imagine wasn't easy to find.



Thank you Gav.

As you can see from the online translation, my Portugese is nonexistant.
That certainly doesn't help.

There are still aspects of them that need clarification.
For example:

These obviously come in various 'types' and as this information isn't available in one place here' I'm going to try for a basic overview here in one place for clarity.

You have the usually smaller semi-familiar 'national knife/souvenier' types, often with plated blades and mottos etched onto them etc.
These come in at least two 'forms' with crossguard and usually plated blade, and guardless.
Here is one of our own members blades (was Nandos, think he sold it). The mottos vary, I've also seen 'The High Life' (in English!).

Here is one belonging to our own kronckew. looks to be of good quality. Notice that it is of more traditional form with no guard etc.

Then there are the older ones with imported blades of good quality and slightly larger 'dagger' size.
For this I (again) present mine (next to a kitchen knife for scale).
My research and gut feeling is that it dates to the late 19th or early 20th. Certainly I can't see it being any later than mid 1930s.

There are also older ones of 'dagger' size, but with a more 'Brazilian' handmade look to them. These have a range of blades like Gaucho knives from Argentina etc. Everything from imported blades, to locally made and reused sabre sections. Different qualities, all rather attractive.

Finally, you get these giant 2ft (and in Lampaio's case longer) versions.
Here again, next to the smaller version to show just how huge it is!

So, the question is, who used what?
Are the giants exclusive to the outlaws?

Last edited by Atlantia; 5th April 2011 at 12:20 PM.
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