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Old 17th November 2010, 06:37 PM   #5
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Thanks Mate, couldn't agree more! I didn't think for a second that this would be wootz. Condition isn't too bad, pattern on that side dissapears toward the end where there is light pitting. I'm just seeing what the other side (slightly better condition holds now


I was hoping you'd come in on this as you specialise in unusual wootz.
So this is Persian I guess. The cartouche says Amal Kalb Ali, so work of Ali. But I saw one sold by Christies where the blade was inscribed: "in typical self-deprecating style 'amal kalb 'ali isfahani "work of the Dog" of 'Ali at Isfahan."
They also date that blade as 17thC, but I can't see this as being early, not with that shape. I'll count rungs in a bit


LOL, too right! Just salt for my chips for a while.

Regards ALL!
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