Cheers mate, nice to find something good all the way down here in the burbs.
Your collection is so damn good! My Kindjal would be lost in its beauty!
Thank you guys
I've really 'put out the feelers' on this one. I've spoken to a chap by email who a fellow kind forumite put me in the direction of. He collects Kindjals, and I believe has a dozen or so pattern welded ones in his collection.
Luckily, he very kindly answered my 'newbie' Kindjal collecting questions.
He agrees with the majority view that this is definately a Turkish example, he says that it is very unusually late for the pattern to be so clear and that they (twistcores I presume) are usually from Tbilisi or Batumi, Turkish and Dagestani tend to be more rare.
So rare amongst the rare!
I've never even seen another genuine twistcore Kindjal in person, of any style or type, so to me it's truly uber-rare!
So you can see why I'm pee'd-off that I can't read the makers name

Someone must be able to read it?