Forum: Ethnographic Miscellania
8th August 2023, 12:43 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 5,310
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
5th July 2021, 03:13 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 7,546
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
22nd August 2019, 11:38 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 7,115
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
9th August 2019, 12:27 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 7,431
Forum: Ethnographic Miscellania
13th July 2019, 11:18 PM
Replies: 11
Views: 11,181
Forum: Ethnographic Miscellania
8th July 2019, 08:12 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 6,789
Forum: Ethnographic Miscellania
8th July 2019, 04:36 PM
Replies: 11
Views: 11,181
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
14th January 2019, 04:36 PM
Replies: 20
Views: 16,200
Forum: Ethnographic Miscellania
14th January 2019, 02:44 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 10,281
Forum: Ethnographic Miscellania
13th January 2019, 10:07 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 10,281
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
12th January 2019, 10:06 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 7,432
Forum: Ethnographic Miscellania
12th January 2019, 09:48 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 10,281
Dayak hornbill identification. What is it?
I know that this is dayak and made of hornbill but I can't work out what it actually is. These are usually earrings and have the bent over top and no hole. Can anyone help please?
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
21st June 2018, 12:56 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 5,888
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
20th June 2018, 04:55 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 5,888
Eastern knives for identification please.
I know that one of these is a Shona dagger and another is possibly a Chinese currency sword. I’m not sure what the others are. Moroccan? Jambiyas? Any information would be greatly apriciated.
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
27th May 2018, 06:13 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 5,068
African Dagger for ID
I have just purchased this dagger but I am unsure of it’s exact origin. I was woundering if someone could help me identify it. I think it’s sudanese.
Forum: Ethnographic Miscellania
15th December 2017, 12:08 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 9,204
Translation please.
Is there any way that this could be translated please? I think this is a form of the Dayak language.
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
14th December 2017, 10:02 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 6,616
Forum: Ethnographic Miscellania
14th December 2017, 01:18 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 9,204
paddle identification please
I have recently bought these paddles and I am not sure where they come from come from. They look to me to be Indonesian, maybe Dayak with the painting.
Forum: Ethnographic Miscellania
31st August 2017, 04:29 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 3,029
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
29th July 2017, 09:56 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 7,920
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
14th July 2017, 01:21 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 4,968
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
13th July 2017, 12:08 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 4,968
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
10th July 2017, 12:52 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 4,968
Forum: Ethnographic Miscellania
21st March 2016, 05:47 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 5,304
Forum: Ethnographic Miscellania
26th February 2016, 06:09 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 4,776