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weapons 27 24th February 2012 01:31 PM

indo persian mace???
could you deliver your opinion to me on this weapon… did its use and its origin, I think has small a mace? but its diameter seems to me too small. it measurement 23 inch length and the mace 1,5 inches diameter….the handle is encrusted with silver koftgari

Stan S. 24th February 2012 05:42 PM

Pictures please?

weapons 27 24th February 2012 08:25 PM

indopersian mace?
6 Attachment(s)
[QUOTE=weapons 27]could you deliver your opinion to me on this weapon… did its use and its origin, I think has small a mace? but its diameter seems to me too small. it measurement 23 inch length and the mace 1,5 inches diameter….the handle is encrusted with silver koftgari

sorry for the photograph

ericlaude 25th February 2012 05:02 PM

6 Attachment(s)
Hi Antoine,
Yours photos are here.

Dom 25th February 2012 07:05 PM

Antoine, amazing, and very attractive weapon
looks for me "Indian" or may be "Indo-Persian"
as far as, I never saw something like that before
I haven't accurate ideas
anyway thanks to have share with us, this weapon

à +


Stan S. 26th February 2012 01:44 AM

Very interesting! I recently saw a similar one that is either ending or just ended on eBay. Somehow I doubt that it is a mace. At least not a battle mace... What are the dimensions and weight of thisi item?

Dom 26th February 2012 02:25 AM

I did a search, and as per as A.C. Tirri, in his book "Islamic weapons"
[quote on] combination weapons in India take many forms (e.g.)
- battle axes and matchlock for guns - 18th century
- ankus and matchlock
- walking cane and sword [quote off]
so why not ; battle mace and sword :p


à +


Stan S. 26th February 2012 03:15 AM

Battle mace and sword?! Good thinking but i doubt it :D

Multumesc 26th February 2012 09:33 AM

Very interesting weapon. It comes from Asia and was used as the stick sword fight. I think it was a civilian weapon.

eftihis 26th February 2012 10:42 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Hi, i think is a "harbi" = the tool with which you load a muzzle loading weapon. In the Balkans, pistols didnt had this tool on them, like the euroopean pistols had. Instead the warrior had this tool in his belt (selahlik) together with the pistols, knife, yataghan etc.
Most of the times, the "harbi" is a compination tool. You use it as it is to push down the barell the loading, but usually unscrews to reveal a blade or a tweezer. There are various designs used in Balkans and Turkey, which i attach
photos. This one looks different, but maybe from a different region!

weapons 27 26th February 2012 10:35 PM

the weight is 480 gr

stelio 27th February 2012 12:54 PM

you're right Eftihi , definitely a harbi. perhaps the blade is a little weird because what used to be thin. But apart from their use as an accompaniment to the gun and had like a knife

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