Originally Posted by David
Thanks for the better photos. If nothing else they do seem to rule out ivory as the material.
I am afraid that an estimate of the age of the hilt is no help whatsoever in determining the age of the blade. Hilts come and go and there is no telling when this ensemble came together. That said i doubt the hilt is much older than a century. From what i can see i would still say it is probably bone. If the hilt could be removed from the blade and photographed from the bottom we might have a more definitive answer.
Obviously we cannot judge the exact age of a blade, but i doubt yours is as old as 300 years. This blade seems most likely top fall somewhere into the 19th century.
Thank you David, it seems that the hilt is glued to the blade. And my friend told me that he kept it for 30 years and the hilt has never been removed.