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Old 17th September 2006, 07:18 AM   #1
Antonio Cejunior
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Macau
Posts: 294
Default 500 years of Portuguese-Siamese relations

Hi everyone,

This may be directly related to all the Dha collectors interested.

Please follow this link to my forum thread.

I would like to further add the following information.

Portugal's earlier contacts with Siam date back immediately after the conquest of Malacca (1511) by the great Afonso de Albuquerque. By defeating the Sultan of Malacca, the Portuguese did not only crash an enemy of their own country but a rival of Siam's Ayuthia Empire as well.
With such a feat to their credit, the path was cleared for the setting-up of friendly ties between Portugal and the Kindgdom of Siam, and the doors to a new trade relationship obviously opened, a chance that Portugal would not let pass by.
Instrumental in the estbalsihment of relations between the two countries were simple envoys such as Duarte Fernandes (the conveyor of our first friendly message), ambassadors like António de Miranda Azevedo and, in 1517, Duarte Coelho who receive his instructions from King D. Manuel I himself.

Meanwhile, contacts with Siam fared very smoothly, without the slightest shade of a misunderstanding (only too natural in view of the linguistic differences). The Portuguese earned the spontaneous trust of the King of Siam, who sent gifts to Albuquerque and to the Portuguese crown and allowed the setting-up of a Portuguese coat of arms in the Siamese capital. He also provided shelter to Portuguese traders in the ports of the country and, in an unprecedent show of trust, welcomed some of the Portuguese warriors into his own army.

This first phase of prosperous trade relations makes way for the Church to set in, in view of the eclectic nature of local religion. These full and friendly relations lasted for more than one century.
However, the Spanish Domination of Portugal (for 60 years) and the ensuing Dutch attacks on the spice islands (where until then the Portuguese operated as the soul intermediary to Europe) promted a counter-attack in all fronts, namely where trade policies were concerned.

Meanwhile, in 1613, Filipe de Brito conquers neighbouring Pegu to the Portuguese, thus somewhat offsetting the problems caused by Dutch rivalry.

When in 1614 (under the influence of the Dutch) Japan began bannishing Christians, many of them sough refuge and a way to make a living in Southeast Asian countries, Macau and also Siam where they were welcomed by the local population but also by some of their brothers in faith of Portuguese descent, who had established themselves and lived in the country for several generations. They eventually formed a considerably strong group and revived the concept of a trade journey, this time more oriented to dialogue with Macau rather than Goa, because of their Far-Eastern origin.

Relations between Siam and Macau intensified throughout the whole of the 17th. century giving rise to the establishment of a Portuguese Settlement "feitoria" in Bangkok.

Despite the Portuguese title-name of the settlement, Macau was really the main beneficiary of this diplomatic/trade relation and it was Macau's responsibility and privilege to appoint and keep the settlement's Chief or Consul or, in their absence, a Political and Trade Agent.

Many of these accounts and documents are in the Historical Archives of Macau.

I, as a Portuguese of Macau (Asian born) feel extremmely proud that the Thai people and researchers from the Ayuthaya period and later, are so fond of the Portuguese whom they consider the first foreigners to set foot in the Kingdom of Siam.

Unfortunately my knowledge on the subject is quite limited though I have been invited to visit Ayuthaya when I can.

Hope this can shed some light on the Commemorations that will take place in 2011.
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