Originally Posted by GTWiv4
I have read this with interest. It appears this sword was my great grand father's. The best I can piece the story together his sister most likely ended up with it and upon the death of her grandson it went to auction. His name is John Gallaudette Wallace. William Curtis Wallace is his brother. Col Stewart is a cousin. Some how in his book "A Pair of Blankets" he uses the wrong letter for his middle name. I know John did attend reunions of the Battle of the Crater. It is my guess it was given to him at one of those gaterings.
This is a great find, to come across this thread and the additions of your information invaluable to the research the owner must be considering and continuing.
Middle names are often used in familar family life. Things like my dad being addressed as his middle name and likewise myself. It soemowhat follows the "son of" traits of names as well.
Good stuff