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Old 18th March 2005, 02:27 AM   #17
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You're the man Capt., believe me you're the man. To me, that metal that makes your keris and the type of pamor is almost impossible to etch; except for the Javaneese specialist. For amature collector to etch a keris like that is SUPERB!! I've used natural realgar, and the result is ok on several kerisses only, that is keris with a kinda porous metal. With kerisses like yours, its almost impossible for me to etch. And yet, you've done it. Perhaps i should use purer realgar. However, i believe most collector in SE Asia would not approve the sandpaper method. As for me, if it works...what the heck...

Can u please explain regarding opening the steel grain using sulphuric acid? What does it do to the grain structure?
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