Again I would call attention to the representations that are both common and distinct in this form.
1. The floral pattern on the crown of the “Garuda” form are not found in the other Moro Kris hilts, yet the blades on these archaic seem to have elements that would tie them back to the Moro craftsman.
2. The wings on the side profile of many of the pieces I’ve located are typical of the more common forms. This seems to be a linkage that should not be ignored.
3. The front and back of the form have a possible reference to the gateway to “heaven” or the afterlife.
I am personally still draw to a blending of the majority Islamic faith and a mix of Chinese Buddhism or remnant Hindu faith that was still present in the area. But definitely open to thoughts from other members.
Last edited by SanibelSwassa; 7th March 2023 at 02:03 AM.
Reason: Missing word