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Old 27th August 2010, 10:17 PM   #1
stephen wood
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Default Ottoman Flintlock from Sudan

I was given this piece recently by the family of a friend whose Great Grandfather was in Port Sudan during its construction around a century ago and it is thought that it was collected there along with a Kaskara, some spears and a bow.

I think it might be Ottoman - there are blank cartouches on the barrel which are for inscriptions, I think. There is a mark - a letter "A" struck twice on the barrel - perhaps it was produced in Europe for Turkey? I also notice that there is something on the lockplate which might be an inscription and that there is some metal - possibly copper - inlay on the stock.

I would be very grateful if any members might have any ideas about its origins.
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Last edited by stephen wood; 27th August 2010 at 10:46 PM.
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