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Old 18th May 2010, 07:30 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by RDGAC

Edit: And by the way, what a piece! I'm surprised to see a wheel-lock still clinging to the archaic approach of propelling darts, however; could anyone enlighten me as to why that approach should still have been taken so late in the day, so to speak?

I have been guest in hundreds of museums and way too often not to be able to see your point and of course I accept it. Perhaps I should not have been as generalizing with my accusations as I was. All I am asking for is to see the peoples' point outside the museum bars, so thank you very much for making your stand and respecting mine.

As to dart/arrow firing firearms: this curious idea, after the early 14th century times when it was taken over from the crossbow/bow, has been renewed again at again at times from the 16th to the 19th century - most probably mainly for curiosity and the will to build something quite astounding.

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