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RSWORD 31st December 2004 12:53 AM

Moro Budiak Twist core central panel
3 Attachment(s)
One should always train the eye to take a good close look at any piece because one never knows what is hiding beneath rust and patina. I recently ran across a large spear (over 8' long including spearhead) hanging rather indescrimately about 10 foot overhead. (Where else you gonna put the thing, right?) The tag stated African but the spearhead looked way too familiar. Thanks to the recent threads on Budiaks, I recognized it as Moro. The blade was covered in patina and rust but knowing these pieces can often have interesting patterns, I gave it a real close look. Lo and behold I saw just the slimmest evidence of some pattern and it was conveniently located at the center of the blade. Not much but enough to get my attention. Well, after a bit of cleaning and a light etch, lo and behold a nice central panel of twistcore damascus with star pattern. Here are some pics of this spearhead.

Spunjer 31st December 2004 01:08 AM

congrats, RSWORD, that's an excellent find!!! :)

Rick 31st December 2004 01:13 AM

Nice Rick !
Is the spear complete ?
Can you give us a look if it is . :)

nechesh 31st December 2004 01:14 AM

In a work Rick, sweeeet! :)

RSWORD 31st December 2004 01:37 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Thanks guys. Rick, the spear is fairly complete but unknown if all parts are original. It has a long brass sleeve where the spearhead is inserted and below that the wood looks as though it may have had a metal brace or ferrule at one time. The base of the spear is wood that has been left fatter than the rest of the shaft. It may have been covered at one time but is not now. Hard to photograph such a long spear but here are a few pics of what I am talking about.

Rick 31st December 2004 01:53 AM

All the parts look original to me .
It's a keeper .
Thanks for the pics Rick .

Ferguson 31st December 2004 02:04 AM



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