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Battara 1st June 2019 10:19 PM

Thank you so much. I am a little surprised that the top is flat and plain.

asomotif 3rd June 2019 12:13 AM

What a lovely and fine enamel decoration on this sewar.
I like the suasa handle. :)

Loedjoe 5th June 2019 05:21 PM

Crowns on Aceh weapons revisited
4 Attachment(s)
Here is another siwaih - not quite up to the high standard of many of the others shown in this thread.
Black wood hilt with highlights of reddish brown (ebony?), black wood sheath with dugong ivory tip and ivory projection. 42 cm, blade 27 cm (9 mm thick at the base), hilt 10.5 cm. A band presumably missing an inch or so below the top of the sheath.

Battara 5th June 2019 06:57 PM

Another wonder example, many thanks!

I would LOVE to have one of these! :D

Sajen 5th June 2019 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Loedjoe
Black wood hilt with highlights of reddish brown (ebony?),.....

Very nice example, like Jose I would like to have such an example in my collection! And yes, I think it's ebony. It's a worthy wood and not cheaper as akhar bahar or ivory!


Battara 8th June 2019 05:00 AM

I think you are right Detlef. As I re-examined the pictures, the material does look like makassar ebony at best (and purposely burned wood at the worst).

Almost makes me wonder if this was a replacement for broken akhar bahar or ivory.

kai 8th June 2019 11:17 PM

We really have to keep in mind that the most precious timbers can be more expensive and rarer than ivory or gold. In the good ol' days, the latter could be easily sourced if you had any decent amount of funds. Special wood like burl, especially with strong chatoyance, correct grain for carving, and possibly extra features needed to be searched for, cured for extended periods, and correctly selected by experienced artisans for the very task - it often wasn't at hand at the whim of the customer. If this hilt is antique, the selection of materials wasn't spurious...

I can't tell this wood from the pics. It seems to have rather large pores for any type of ebony. It might be one of the rarer hardwoods - tough to tell from pics!


kai 8th June 2019 11:21 PM

Tim asked me to extend thanks to all who responded!

He seems to have problems with logging in and I hope he'll be back soon.


Loedjoe 21st August 2019 12:52 PM

Is this a double or a triple crown?
2 Attachment(s)
This sikin panjang (length 74.3 cm, blade 57 cm., no scabbard) has an unusual 'third' crown above a normal double crown. Has anyone seen a similar addition above the usual crown? And what was the purpose of it - to make a double crown into a triple one? Any comments from the experts would be most welcome.

kai 22nd August 2019 11:15 PM

Hello Tim,

Good to have you back!

I’d vote for 2.5. ;)

The general crown type is of the glupa configuration (2 crowns), with an added ferrule-like ring as is also seen on a few rencong. I reckon this is an original design.

A nice addition to the family!


A. G. Maisey 22nd August 2019 11:46 PM

This thread has been running for quite some time, but I have never looked at it previously.

When I look at these "crowns", it strikes me that I am looking at a representation of the tumpal motif.

Has anybody thought to investigate this?

thomas hauschild 3rd November 2019 07:31 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Asomotif asked me to show the crown on a sikin parang of my collection.

Not with gold inlay. Made of bronce maybe (or hopefully) made of souasa.

Best thomas

kai 3rd November 2019 07:39 PM

Certainly genuine and likely suasa - have it tested, Thomas!

I've seen a few in suasa without engraving nor enamel while I can't remember ever having seen one in gold without the traditional motifs (enamel can miss from older examples, probably from loss rather than original design).


Jentayu 19th January 2021 01:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
3 variations of Aceh siwah

kai 19th January 2021 09:04 PM

Wow, splendid examples, Jentayu!

Some more pics of those examples not posted before would be really kind!


Battara 20th January 2021 01:58 AM

I want all 3 of them! :D

asomotif 21st January 2021 12:54 AM

Wow !

One day when I grow up I would like to have just one siwah like that. ;)

Really nice, thank you for sharing.

Best regards,

asomotif 25th September 2021 01:11 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Just from sharing,
1 sikin from the sold items at MTW.
perfect condition with nice inlay in the blade.

asomotif 29th September 2021 02:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is one variation that I have never seen before.
A hulu Peusangan combined with a golden glupa.

Battara 30th September 2021 03:14 AM

I've seen it before, but it is truly rare, and I personally don't understand it.

asomotif 4th July 2023 01:20 PM

6 Attachment(s)
It has been a long while. here a small addition from an auction website.
A a shape that is already in this thread. but very nice clear pictures and the combi with hippo ivory. nice.

Ian 4th July 2023 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey (Post 243450)
This thread has been running for quite some time, but I have never looked at it previously.

When I look at these "crowns", it strikes me that I am looking at a representation of the tumpal motif.

Has anybody thought to investigate this?

Hi Alan,

I want to bring your earlier comment back up because nobody really replied to your question. Lots of comments about the "bling" but nothing in regard to your suggestion of a tumpal motif, which makes sense to me.

JeffS 5th July 2023 12:21 PM

Peter Dekker notes this in the "Tumpal" glossary entry on his site.

asomotif 5th July 2023 09:54 PM

In hands of time, The crafts of Aceh, by Barbara Leigh,
the writer refers a bamboo shoot motif, Pucuk rebung.

In this old thread there is also information :

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