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Sajen 25th April 2020 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Athanase
I had the matchbox specialy for you (betwen 1872 and 1892) :D

Tow mini Kriss with pamor blade.

The first overlength : 15,4 cm (6,1'' )

The second overlength : 15,2cm (6'')

Wow, never seen this sort of keris jimat! :cool:

Sajen 25th April 2020 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by asomotif
Ps. I am not sure if we should call this knife a miniature.
I don't know the name but I have seen them several times in the past and probably have one or two stored somewhere in the attic.
These knifes are never big. I would say between 10 and 15 cms total length is an average size.

Hello Willem,
Yes, they are always small sized. But an eunjangdo as well. :) But it's a mini knife for sure. :)


kahnjar1 26th April 2020 01:25 AM

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Here are some of my
mini knives discussed back in 2011 ...that's 9 years ago!!.....time just flies by.

kahnjar1 26th April 2020 01:35 AM

Also a Chhuri
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Nice little Chhuri from India

Sajen 26th April 2020 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by kahnjar1
Nice little Chhuri from India

Hello Stu,

Never before seen such a little chhuri. :eek: And it seems well wored.


kahnjar1 26th April 2020 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Sajen
Hello Stu,

Never before seen such a little chhuri. :eek: And it seems well wored.


Yes the quality all round is very good. Blade COULD be wootz but I have not etched it. Scabbard is good leather.

asomotif 28th April 2020 11:39 PM

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My miniature jimpul.

asomotif 28th April 2020 11:41 PM

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The Indonesian / Sumatra ? small knife without a name ;)

asomotif 28th April 2020 11:42 PM

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And one of the best imho, a mini rentjong. Next to a full size brother.

alex8765 29th April 2020 12:38 AM

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Miniature Japanese Boy's Day tachi, 29 centimeters long.

asomotif 29th April 2020 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by alex8765
Miniature Japanese Boy's Day tachi, 29 centimeters long.

Nice :)

any age indication ?

alex8765 29th April 2020 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by asomotif
Nice :)

any age indication ?

Possibly Shinshinto or Meiji period.

DhaDha 1st May 2020 04:16 PM

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I've always liked these mini-Dhas. Great detail.

kino 2nd May 2020 08:14 PM

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Saw this last year at the Eugene OR knife show. I was told that it took a lot of hours to complete each one. The Panabas is great.

Sajen 3rd May 2020 12:03 AM

Wow, a lot of intersting miniatures to seen in this thread!

corrado26 7th May 2020 03:34 PM

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This miniature khukri I got this morning. Its blade is made of brass, the sheeth is wood with a leather coat. Total length with scabbard is 145mm, length of blade is 78mm

ALEX 8th May 2020 05:28 PM

Small Uzbek Knifes
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Small/mini Uzbek knifes, some are souvenirs but made just like real ones and of the same material and quality.

asomotif 8th May 2020 10:04 PM

slightly off topic, nice pictures with the "sharpie" markers :D intentional ? ;)

naturalist 19th June 2020 04:45 PM

Most likely Sundanese (people of West Java) Pisau Raut (Carving knife)

Originally Posted by russel
Here is another one from my collection. 12.5cm overall, 6.5cm blade. Well made and VERY sharp. I'm am not sure what this should be called.

Gonzoadler 11th July 2020 08:21 PM

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I want to show some miniature blades, too.

At first a small katana made of bone.
Length overall: 19,5cm
without scabbard: 16,5cm

Gonzoadler 11th July 2020 08:30 PM

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Number two: a miniature Koummya.
Length overall: 9cm
Without scabbard: 8cm

Gonzoadler 11th July 2020 08:39 PM

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Number three:
A miniature Kris, blade and scabbard are made of silver.
Is anyone here who is able to read the hallmarks?
Length overall: 20,5cm
Without scabbard: 19,5cm

Ian 12th July 2020 12:31 AM

Hi Gonzoadler. Unusual shaped blade on your second example.

Duccio 22nd July 2020 04:27 PM

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Health to all.
In the photo below you see three Byongi (parade knives of the Konda people, R.D.C.) of normal size and one of small size (18 cm), and then the mini knife alone.

Duccio 22nd July 2020 04:30 PM

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Here instead we see an akrafena (Akan people, Ivory Coast) of normal size and a tiny one.

Duccio 22nd July 2020 04:32 PM

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and, finally, a "homeopathic" keris (13 cm).

Mickey the Finn 9th August 2020 11:28 PM

Mr. Osobist, I was about to ask if you're an Afghanistan veteran, but then I noticed that some people collect matchboxes. I used to collect cigarette packages when I was a kid. Then I switched to tarot cards and other things.
Mr. Sajen, มีดหมอ is perhaps the Thai word commonly used to refer to such articles. I find it transliterated as "meed mor". The transliteration into Latin letters may or may not accurately reflect the actual pronunciation. I find the word translated variously, on assorted webpages, as "knife", "lancet", "doctor's knife", "exorcist's knife", or "sorcerer's magic knife". The richness of the nuances of meaning can be lost in translation. A few of the problems with translations are: they may be a "rough and ready", improvised, or ad hoc solution intended to convey the "general idea", Mickey Moused up by a non-linguistically inclined layman who, in addition, is no "gunpowder inventor". Certain subtitled movies sometimes illustrate this; movies with the original audio of the dialogue dubbed over are even better, and so much worse.
The "word-for-word" translation is, in some languages, an impossibility. In those instances where it can be pulled off, the end result in the target language sometimes reads like a wooden shoe that's too small.
Unless it's explicitly stated, I'm left guessing as to whether the intent was to translate as literally as possible, to convey the meaning of an idiomatic expression in the source language, to interpret, or some ad hoc/ improvised/ variable/ combination/ "play it by ear"/ "fly by the seat of the pants" method.
How does one convey the meaning of "mumbo jumbo" into Swahili? Is "hoc est corpus" an accurate translation into Latin of "hocus pocus? Is "abracadabra" a good interpretation into English of "sim sala bim", or would it be best to leave it untranslated? Should "alakazam" be translated to "sim sala bim" if German is the target language? If I don't know the source language of a word (it's not necessarily the same as the language of origin of the word), translation or interpretation of "nostrum" or "patrem" are shots in the dark. "Sama suku" from Bahasa Indonesia to Finnish and vice versa is the only example which comes to mind that doesn't present very much of a conundrum.
I think I recall that Bambang Harsrinuksmo in "Ensiklopedi Keris" gave specific measurements which enabled one to distinguish a patrem from a "keris proper/ standard keris", and a patrem from a keris jimat.
The really tiny ones (<8cm. or so) appear to be made of brass and/or (I'm guessing) some other kind of copper alloy which can be patinated almost black.. I doubt very much that it's swasa, or any other alloy containing Au or Ag, though I could be wrong.
Pics can be found by Googling "keris jimat". Does anyone know what metals are used to make these, and the technique used to achieve the contrast in colours?

Sajen 30th October 2021 03:32 PM

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Originally Posted by asomotif (Post 250639)
My miniature jimpul.

A very similar one in the same size. The hair in up from the handle is missing. Same workshop?

Sajen 30th October 2021 03:40 PM

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asomotif 1st November 2021 12:51 AM

Yes, this must be the same workshop.

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