Duhung Karaton Carbon
Sampurasuuunnn ...
Sorry, wrong placement Amit munduuurrr ... |
Bagongan is only inside Yogyakarta
Just to clarify, Bagongan language is only used inside the Yogyakarta Kraton and it is not any easier to learn if you know krama inggil because it uses a whole different vocabulary. It is an egalitarian language with no levels like Krama - Ngoko, a royal version of the Samin dialect from around Bojanegara. A very informative thread. Salam, Bram. |
Duhung Karaton
4 Attachment(s)
Sampurasuunn ..
Hello All, I'm testing my ability to post pictures:) I hope it works. If not, please accept my humblest apologies. Cheers. Amit munduurr .. |
You appear to have been successful P.D.
Do you care to tell us where the collection in the photos is from? :) |
Duhung Karaton Carbon/Cheribon/Cirebon
Sampurasuunn ..
I just happened by to check on my success or otherwise and read your query. I believe the pictures are of part of a Display Collection at one of the palaces of the Cirebon Household. They were recently passed on to me by a member of the Household, who knew of my interest in kerises. As to in which palace; that, I don't know. (However, I suspect this Collection may be in the Karaton Kasepuhan complex, as I know that they have a museum there). (BTW, in the polite circles of the region, the more refined term DUHUNG is used instead of KERIS, just as duwung/curiga/wangkingan is used as a more refined term by other such circles). Regards,:) Amit munduurr .. |
Hi Pangeran Datu,
Thanks for the pictures. The glare and the flash are affecting the overall quality of the pictures. Cannot see much unfortunately, mostly profiles of the pieces. :( Would appreciate the effort for better pictures. :D These looks like fine kerises. Good effort. ;) |
Therefore, as common ground, in this public forum, I believe "keris" is the most appropriate to be used. :) |
Hello David, My sincerest apologies for causing any concern to you and others. The last comment in brackets of my last post was merely meant as a sort of footnote (for the uninitiated) for the use of the term 'DUHUNG' in the title. The 'region' referred to is the region around Cirebon. Of course I am aware of the many different terms for the same thing that pervades the South-East Asian archipelago. That's the nature of the beast, when you have such diverse groups and languages. I am also aware that, as English is the lingua franca of this forum, keris/kris is the accepted term.(Even in the archipelago, keris is the term used generally). Once again, I beg forgiveness from those of you whose sensitivities I have transgressed upon. Regards,:) Amit munduurr .. |
Thanks for your clarification Pangeran Datu. :)
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