Example 6. Tibetan short sword likely
dating from the late 19th to early 20th Century. The hilt is
composed of an engraved iron pommel, ferrule and guard. A ray
skin covered grip of rectangular cross-section lies between the
pommel and ferrule. A red stone (coral?) is set on the display
face of the pommel. The blade is forged and of piled (layer welded)
construction, folded back at the tip. The scabbard is formed
with the standard "U" shaped iron frame. The front
face and sides of the frame are engraved and gold washed. A steel
strip with silver inlay and a similar red stone to that on the
pommel forms the distal front face of the scabbard. The opposite
side of the scabbard (not illustrated) is devoid of decoration.
At the mouth end of the scabbard is a strap of leather, possibly
a later addition. Overall length (including scabbard): 58.8 cm.
(24 inches); blade length: 44.1cm. (18 inches). Photographs courtesy
of Artzi Yarom of Oriental Arms.) |