Potential Sources Accessible On-Line The following links are to potential on-line sources for the purchase of ethnographic edged weapons.
Caveat emptor: Readers should be aware that while I will not post a listing for a dealer or source which I have found personally to be unsatisfactory, I may have had no personal experience with many of the sources listed below, and hence listing here does not necessarily constitute an endorsement or recommendation. Translation: assume nothing and apply the same precautions you always do when transacting business at a distance and sending payment for items which you have not yet had an opportunity to closely examine. Runjeet Singh (Warwickshire, England) featuring antique arms and armour of India and the surrounding countries.
Ashoka Arts (London, England) features ethnographic edged (and non-edged) weapons as well as armor and other artifacrs.
Coyote's Paw Gallery (Santa Fe, NM) Items from a diversity of cultures are illustrated and described in an on-line gallery.
Erik's Edge (Northern California) Specializing in weapons of the Philippines, Indonesia, Oceania and Africa; also offers books.
Fort Antiques (Buraimi, Oman) Specializing in Omani Arabian antiques and iconic collectibles as well as traditional Bedouin items.
Himalayan Imports (Reno, NV) Supplier of heavy duty khukuris forged in the traditional manner by kamis in Nepal.
Jacaranda Tribal (New York City) deals in art from throughout Africa as well as Oceania with special focus on the traditional arts of South and East Africa.
Japanese Swords Arms and Armor (Issaquah, WA) Antique and modern Japanese style swords, restoration services, maintenance supplies and related books.
JapaneseSword.com (Bellevue, WA) features Japanese swords in all rarity and price ranges and related items for sale. Also deals in fine Islamic and Russian Cossack weapons and related items
Kanshoan Web Japanese Swords Shop (Japan) Antique Japanese swords and related fittings.
Lew Waldman Collection Estate Sale (USA) Lew was a longtime forum staff member here and had collected a wide diversity of ethnographic arms especially including African and Asian items. His collection is presently being directly sold on behalf of his Estate.
Mandarin Mansion (Netherlands) Founded by Peter Dekker and focused on antique arms from across Asia with special focus on antique Chinese swords, arms & armor of the Qing dynasty and Asian composite bows. The 'For Sale' and 'Gallery' sections both include detailed descriptions including cultural contexts and detailed articles on the focus subjects are hosted on the site.
My Tribal World (Netherlands) Antique edged weapons as well as art, miniatures and books for sale as well as a reference section on 'Borneology' with articles, photographs and films.
Nihontocraft (USA) Japanese swords and other Japanese antiques. The photography of the swords is outstanding - pretty near to having the sword in your hand as far as appreciation of details is concerned - and descriptions are detailed. There are also interesting articles related to Japanese swords.
Oriental Arms (Haifa, Israel) specializes in antique edged weapons of the near, middle and far East and Africa and includes a reference collection on the site. The site also includes a well illustrated and informative reference gallery.
Seven Stars Trading Company deals in antique arms and armour of the Near and Far East as well as of Africa, in addition to dealing in Asian antiques and fine arts and offering specialized group travel. Several examples are illustrated and described on their web site.
Swords And Antique Weapons (Australia) buys and sells fine and rare antique swords, weapons & related artifacts from all corners of the world, holding a special interest in Chinese weapons.
Therion Arms (near Austin, TX) deals mostly with ethnographic edged weapons, but also has some militaria and replica items. The most comprehensive links page in the field and a gallery of Therion's personal collection is also provided.
Tosanaji Keris (Australia) offers keris as well as other related weapons, accessories and books. The website also has extensive informational resource value.