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Old 25th March 2021, 07:11 PM   #1
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Hello Nik,

If I understand correctly, this is a glitch by FedEx who changed their rules without notice; they have been doing this before (in the US and elsewhere). Thus, the sender has to find another courier service willing and able to handle these pieces - and CITES as well as sharp/pointy thingies are a pain, even more so in Italy with it's very strict weapon laws (aimed against the Mafia but affecting all of us law-abiding citizens)! I'm sure they're working on finding a solution.

BTW, the local shipping company did already handle earlier Czerny's auctions and they just seem to have separated the billing process for shipping. Shipments within Europe arrived quickly as usual from what I've heard (after the other delay due to the late goverment approvals).

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Old 26th March 2021, 01:02 AM   #2
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I bought 2 Keris and a Blawong at this sale, shipping took 1 additional month compared to the usual because of the Covid (the Italian administration is already slow at the base (like the French) but with the confinements it was even worse).
I don't remember the carrier, but it was a shipment within the EU and without ivory.
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Old 26th March 2021, 05:44 AM   #3
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There is one thing shipping things within EU and a completely different thing shipping outside EU.

Ms. Kochetkova (who is an employee of Czerny's) explained the situation quite ckearly, in my opinion.

It wouldn't be the first time shipping companies change their policies overnight. And I for sure experienced similar problems with shippings from the US, Japan and Indonesia.

In this case I suggest you stay in touch with Czerny's and let them handle the problem. They are a reputed auction house and I am pretty sure they will solve the issue one way or another.
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Old 27th March 2021, 11:20 AM   #4
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What worries me a bit is that it has been about a month since the items were resent to sender and yet I have not received any update of when it will be send again to me (with new courier presumably). My last e mail a few days back to the shipper went unanswered.

I'm hoping for the best and trying to be optimistic. Hope they will sort it out very soon as my custom clearance permit will expire end of April.
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Old 27th March 2021, 02:06 PM   #5
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What prevents you to ask Ms. Kochetkova to give you an update and an ETA?!

You, as the receiver of the parcel, don't have to worry about contacting the shipper. It is the sender's responsabilty and obligation to make sure you receive the goods you paid for!

So stop worrying and start acting! 😎👍

PS: You can also ask for a refund, but I would keep this as a last resort.

Last edited by mariusgmioc; 27th March 2021 at 02:49 PM.
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Old 19th May 2021, 08:31 AM   #6
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i still have not receive my won items from Dec 8 2020 Czerny's auction!

Is there anyone living near Czerny's office that can help me? if so, please pm me.

I sent many e mails to the shipper that czerny's cantract out to ship items but I did not get any satisfactory answer from them apart from they telling that they are applying to get new documents. In fact the last two recent e mails were not even answered.

I also sent an e mail to natalia at czerny's and she responded by saying I need to contact the shipper.

The items were resent back by fedex to the shipper late feb but until now they can't sort out the issue yet?
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Old 19th May 2021, 09:45 AM   #7
Anthony G.
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Originally Posted by Green View Post
i still have not receive my won items from Dec 8 2020 Czerny's auction!

Is there anyone living near Czerny's office that can help me? if so, please pm me.

I sent many e mails to the shipper that czerny's cantract out to ship items but I did not get any satisfactory answer from them apart from they telling that they are applying to get new documents. In fact the last two recent e mails were not even answered.

I also sent an e mail to natalia at czerny's and she responded by saying I need to contact the shipper.

The items were resent back by fedex to the shipper late feb but until now they can't sort out the issue yet?
Sorry to hear about your predicament with the shipper and auction house. With your hindsight, I guess that this auction house is not for me. I also have similar issue until I shipped to a local friend within Europe and he helped me by shipping it to me from his home. A stroke of luck.
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Old 19th May 2021, 06:07 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Green View Post
I also sent an e mail to natalia at czerny's and she responded by saying I need to contact the shipper.
I have to say that i find this response disturbing. Your dealing has been with the auction house and you did not choose your own shipping, did you? Czerny should accept responsibility for this. They contracted out the shipping and they are responsible for ensuring that you receive the item that you paid them for.
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