Originally Posted by Mark
Mine is a panel from the silver scabbard of one of my favorite dha.
He is a bilu, usually translated as "ogre," but in Burmese mythology they are not the Shrek-like creatures that live under bridges as in the West (wait, thats a troll ...  ), but rather a sentient species like humans, just rarer, and more magical-mystical. The scabbard has both a male and a female bilu, though only a female bilu figures in the story on the blade, which is the [/url=http://www.myanmar.gov.mm/Perspective/persp2003/4-2003/leg.htm]"Bedaya" jataka[/url].
This is Mrs. Bilu, AKA Sandamuhki:
More details on the dha here.
Great idea for a thread, by the way. 
That has to be the finest Dha I've ever seen! You must have had to sell a kidney to get that!
It is truly stunning, if there was a smilie 'taking its hat off' I'd be inserting it here: " ".