I recently saw this sword, and have never seen anything like it. Sorry didn't take a picture. I submit this crude drawing instead. Blade is approx. 30" long, 2 1/2" wide at the tip. Sharpened on one side, and on the tip. Watered steel. Tang is half-round in cross section, with a single, thin rattan wrap. Pommel is flat, and the spike looks applied. Scabbard is a single piece of bamboo, split on one side, and wrapped around the perimeter of the blade. Throat is secured by a narrow rattan wrap. Condition is excellent. The owner says it is from the Philippines. He is a collector, and appraiser, but has been found to be wrong on occasion. My gut tells me it is an early form of Dha? There's nothing like it in Stone, or any other of my books. Whatizzit?